The Oxford Street Blog

Bringing humor, melodrama, and hard-boiled reporting to the north-side of the UC Berkeley campus since the year 2006.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Palestine Texas

Haha. This guy is awesome.

Lyrics from C&L:
Presidents come and presidents go
They rise like smoke they fall like snow
Do you believe the things you say
Your lofty thoughts are filled with hay
What is this faith that you profess
That led to this colossal mess
When you awaken from this coma
You'll find you were in Oklahoma
When you crawl out of this self delusion
You're going to need a soul transfusion

This version of the world will not be here long
It is already gone It is already gone
This version of the world will not be here long
It is already gone It is already gone."

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cut and Edit Journalism: Is this 1984??

So, you say you want proof the mainstream media is just a propaganda machine for the GOP?

Well, now you got it.

Just watch the way NBC, CBS and Fox News cropped and edited the footage of the press conference in Atlanta where Sec. Rumsfeld was challenged by CIA vet Ray McGovern.

See our story, Rummy called out on lies, left speechless, for the original video.

From each of the major news networks significant portions of the exchanges were edited out, often seamlessly and with no indication that they had done so.

Media Matters has video of the edited TV reports here.

It's quite shocking when compared to the video of what actually happened. Anything that could have embarassed Rumsfeld, or made valid points, was conveniently thrown out, and McGovern was made to look like a overly emotional, and irrational, protester.

This really makes me sick. Not just that they do it, but that they get away with it.

I know I'm never gonna trust again the TV media when it has video of an important event. I get all my news off the internet now.

That whole myth about the "liberal media" sure is funny!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

CIA Director Goss on The Daily Show

Oh my God! This is fucking hilarious!!!

Crooks and Liars has an old video up from the Daily Show when Porter Goss was just selected by Bush to replace George Tenet last March.

Bush was making a visit to the CIA to make a few comments. Watch the reaction on Goss's face when he mentions Osama bin Laden. It's actually terrifying when you really think about it.

What the hell is going on here?????
Has the world just gone completely insane?

Watch the video here.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I like circles!!!

Here's a few of my favorites!!


Rummy called out on lies, left speechless

Ray McGovern, a CIA veteran, challenged Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on his bullshit today during a press conference in Atlanta.

Why can't the Administration just answer people's questions? Oh yeah, because THEY LIE ALL THE TIME.

You see, Rummy, when you start lying a lot it gets hard to keep track of the things you've said. That's when things get messy. Especially when there's people dying and stuff.

Watch the video from Crooks and Liars here

From Think Progress:
Speaking in Atlanta today, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was sharply questioned about his pre-war claims about WMD in Iraq. An audience member confronted Rumsfeld with his 2003 claim about WMD, “We know where they are.” Rumsfeld falsely claimed he never said it. The audience member then read Rumsfeld’s quote back to him, leaving the defense secretary speechless.

The Immigration Debate, 1621

Great video from Al Gore's

An Ode to Joy

Because the Lord loved the world so much, He gave us this, Kenny Loggins. What guy.