The Oxford Street Blog

Bringing humor, melodrama, and hard-boiled reporting to the north-side of the UC Berkeley campus since the year 2006.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Cut and Edit Journalism: Is this 1984??

So, you say you want proof the mainstream media is just a propaganda machine for the GOP?

Well, now you got it.

Just watch the way NBC, CBS and Fox News cropped and edited the footage of the press conference in Atlanta where Sec. Rumsfeld was challenged by CIA vet Ray McGovern.

See our story, Rummy called out on lies, left speechless, for the original video.

From each of the major news networks significant portions of the exchanges were edited out, often seamlessly and with no indication that they had done so.

Media Matters has video of the edited TV reports here.

It's quite shocking when compared to the video of what actually happened. Anything that could have embarassed Rumsfeld, or made valid points, was conveniently thrown out, and McGovern was made to look like a overly emotional, and irrational, protester.

This really makes me sick. Not just that they do it, but that they get away with it.

I know I'm never gonna trust again the TV media when it has video of an important event. I get all my news off the internet now.

That whole myth about the "liberal media" sure is funny!


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